
Ep. 26: Isn’t That Interesting With Eric Manning

by | Aug 17, 2022

In this conversation, Eric Manning brings a lifelong curiosity to his engagement with meditation. We learn about how the practice came into his life and about what it now offers his everyday experience. Eric concludes by sharing a wonderful ‘mantra’ to help us remain open to and curious about our lives.

Bringing Meditation to Life with Neil McKinlay
Bringing Meditation to Life with Neil McKinlay
Ep. 26: Isn't That Interesting With Eric Manning

About the Host 

Neil McKinlay has long been fascinated by the intersection of spiritual practice and so-called ordinary living. As a partner and parent, author and swim coach, he has sought to understand the ways these roles influence and are influenced by his longstanding engagement with meditation. As a teacher of somatic meditation, he encourages his students to ask similar questions of their own practice and life.

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